Welcome future doctors

I’m Emily, your essay editor / interview coach/ CASPer guide / fairy godmother…


  • All of my editing packages include a 30-minute meeting during which we create an outline for your essays together. When you’re finished writing, you send me your documents which I will then fill with edits, comments, and rewrites. I use a shared Google Doc so we can work together in real time. I do as much editing as I possibly can in the first round, making sure your ideas are coherent and explaining my rewrites when necessary. If I need more information from you about a particular activity you engaged in, I will leave blanks in the document and let you know what to fill in. I can’t finalize word or character counts in the first round of editing given that I use the “track changes” feature and I need you to approve the edits (though I keep these limits in mind and suggest cuts where applicable). Then it’s your turn to go into the document, approve the edits, and respond to comments. Subsequent editing rounds mostly involve getting those word counts exactly right and addressing any lingering grammar or tone issues.

  • Each interview prep session is one hour long. In the initial sessions, I will ask you questions, one at a time, in the style of your interview (MMI or panel). After you respond to each question, I will provide detailed feedback which includes discussing how I would score your answer as well as what we can do to make it stronger. I will ask you probing questions to learn more about your experiences so we can build ideal answers together. I don’t leave a question until we’ve figured out the best way to answer it using your relevant experiences. We also talk about how to use the answer we formulated together to answer other, similar questIons. I usually get through 3-5 questions per session. If you sign up for multiple sessions, in the later sessions, we can work towards full mock panel interviews (basically a bunch of questions in a row) once we’ve solidified your stories and there is less feedback to give.

  • The CASPer course occurs over 3 hours or sessions. The first session is mostly lecture-based. I explain my approach to the CASPer test and teach you how to strucutre your answers for different types of questions. I assign homework at the end of the first session that we take up together in the next session. In the second session, I have student participants share their answers with the group one at a time. We assess their answers together, discussing what’s working, what isn’t, and how to reach a 4th quartile answer. I assign more homework at the end of the second session. The third session follows the same format as the second.

  • More info on this coming soon!

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